The Company Store White Sale


If you all know me at all, then you know that I’m obsessed with a super comfy bed. Possibly my favorite thing in the whole world is a hotel with the most amazing bed and linen’s.

 Laying in a pile of white sheets and a fluffy duvet while enjoying room service is basically my heaven on earth. 


Thanks to the Company Store, this heavenly hotel I’m describing is now my very own room. Okay, so there isn’t any room service but I do have that bed now and its wonderful! 

 I am telling you guys without a doubt, this bedding is the softest and most comfortable I have ever slept on.  I take my sleeping very seriously, so this is a big stinking deal!

So let me share everything that I picked to make this the most comfortable nights sleep ever! 

First, I started with the actual mattress itself. It needed something. It needed fluff, like a cloud kind of fluffiness and that’s exactly what I got when I put my new Baffled Square Feather Bed on top of the mattress. Holy smokes you guys, it’s so comfortable! Measuring at 4″ deep, it feels like you are sinking in to a cloud every time you get in to bed. 

Next I added the Legends 800 Thread Count Egyptian flat and fitted sheets. They feel like butter. They are cooling and so soft and seriously the nicest sheets I have ever laid on. You all really need to try them out for yourselves because I promise you will love them just as much as I do.

Did you all know how much I love linen? Like all linen and everything linen!

 It’s no surprise that I chose the Comfort Wash solid linen pillowcases and duvet. They are what I would describe as luxurious, casual comfort. So beautiful and well made and the linen pairs perfectly with the sateen sheets.  It exactly the texture I needed for my bed.


Now let’s talk blanket’s. Do you keep a blanket at the foot of your bed? I have to because I’m always cold and Brian is always hot. I need that extra layer to pull up over my side of the bed so when I found the Cloud Blanket, I knew I had to have it. 

Okay, so maybe it was the name because I’m a sucker for any bedding with the word cloud in the name. But I wasn’t disappointed in the least. It’s the perfect 100% woven cotton blanket. It’s so comfortable and I love the way it lays on the bed. It’s so textural and layers perfectly. 

I don’t know about you all but I totally struggle with finding the right down pillow. I feel like I’m not alone here, since there are so many company’s out there claiming their’s is the best. All I know is that I ordered the best down pillow and the side sleeper and stomach sleeper I’ve slept great every night since. My neck doesn’t kill me in the morning anymore and that’s all the proof I need. 

Sometimes I just can’t help myself and I had to have this Alpaca striped throw blanket to finish off the look. It’s beautiful and only gets better with each washing. 

You guys, I’m seriously so happy with all of our new bedding! If you haven’t had a chance to check out the Company Store, you really need to. The White Sale is going on right now and it’s the perfect time to try out the Company Store for yourselve’s and get a great deal in the process. 

I hope you will love them just as much as I do!

LifestyleOlivia Zurawski