New Rug from Loloi Rugs


Even if you haven’t followed me for a long time, it’s no secret that I change up my living spaces constantly. It’s also not a very well kept secret that I love Loloi Rugs either. Loloi Rug’s new Skye Collection is here so, I got my hands on the SKY-13 Natural / Sand for my living room.

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The Natural / Sand rug matches the aesthetic of my home perfectly. It has just the right amount of natural tones with charcoal and rust details mixed in. It’s thick, comfortable, and a dang good price. This collection comes in six different sizes too. It was hard to just pick one out— I want them all.

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Loloi Rugs has had me hooked for a while now because they’re rugs are timeless, affordable, and great quality. It ticks all my criteria boxes. I have a feeling this rug will be sticking around for a long time.

DesignOlivia Zurawski